
Recipe Sharing Websites

December 27, 2014

When your family joins a family recipe sharing website, tell them you’re going to join too, but don’t. Make excuses like “Oh, I couldn’t open the link,” or “My Internet is really slow,” or “I’m missing all of the vowels on my keyboard.”

The reason for this elaborate deception is that the sharing website is nothing but a skillfully created plot designed to rob you of your best recipes and your dignity. What was once Carolyn’s Caesar Salad quickly becomes Brenda’s Caesar Salad, and then Aunt Myrtle’s Caesar Salad until it undergoes so many changes it starts to resemble a Waldorf Salad without the Waldorf.

(Not surprisingly, at this point, it suddenly becomes Carolyn’s Caesar Salad again.)

Soon, when you make your famous Caesar salad for family gatherings, no one cares. In fact, they start eating before they come to your house and then they eventually avoid your parties altogether.

The moral of the story is (as always) Don’t Burn the Ribs and Don’t Join the Recipe Sharing Website.

Hope this helps,


p.s. I will consider sharing the secret recipe in another post. Once you learn it you will have to destroy your computer or possibly end your life. The choice will be yours.

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